
Photo by me

Hello and welcome! My name is Zoe, the aspiring author behind this blog. You can also find me writing my two other blogs, Z’s Cup of Tea (a food blog) and trend & chic. I’m also a member of the community leadership team for Pressgram, a photo publishing app. Writer’s Bone is where I document my writerly exploits and aspirations, as well as reviews of books that I’ve read.

I’ve been writing stories since I was little and I’ve wanted to be a writer for as long as I can remember. For most of my creative endeavours so far I’ve focused on writing fiction and poetry, although within the last year I have also taken an interest in pursuing non-fiction, mainly within the field of history.

My blog name is inspired by the title of the movie Winter’s Bone – although I haven’t seen it, I’ve heard only good things from those who have – and also references Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones. (Incidentally, I learned afterward that the “bone” in Winter’s Bone means a small gift or blessing as in the phrase “to throw someone a bone”, according to the IMDb FAQ.)

Current literary obsessions: Moby Dick, Shakespeare’s Henriad plays, The Count of Monte Cristo